Seekers of Truth
​​This site is for the open-minded seeker of truth who is willing to explore new ideas, and, by taking on board only those ideas which resonate with their Inner Being, seek to enhance their Spiritual Development.
Man lives at the outer edges of his being, looking outwards. By doing so Man moves further away from his true spiritual identity, forgetting that he is connected to the Divine.
​Seekers of Truth is for those who wish to make changes to their current approach to life to bring inner peace and healing. Too often, on our Spiritual Journey, we look to the outside for answers, when, in all reality, the answers lie within, with our Higher Self / True Self.
​​Our aims:
We wish to freely share what has benefited us and to encourage others to be enlightened by seeking out the truth for themselves. The aims of this website are:
To acknowledge the Oneness of Creation.
To stimulate interest in who we really are.
To consider ideas expressed by others whilst keeping an open mind.
To encourage meditation and other spiritual practices to seek truth within.
To express spiritual qualities, such as honesty and humility, to make changes, bringing self awareness and giving life more meaning.
To be of service to humanity using gifts and talents without seeking material reward.
The Seekers of Truth site exists to promote a “Spiritual Approach to Life”, based on our workshop which considers the core values at the heart of all the major religions and the Ageless Wisdom. From our experiences it is only when we understand the basic core beliefs and put them into practice that benefits accrue. We will then become more at one with all around us as we discover inner peace, and better physical health as healing takes place.
​Our beliefs:
We believe our true identity is non-physical. However, we incarnate with physical bodies and are endowed with free will. We each have talents and abilities which can be used to give us the opportunity to become the best that we can be, attain spiritual growth and be of service. We are connected at all times to our Source: no matter how isolated we sometimes feel we know that Higher Power is always there to help.
It does not matter whether a person’s belief system is based on the salvation of the Christian tradition or whether they resonate with other beliefs such as Karma, Reincarnation and the Evolution of the Soul. Living a life expressing spiritual qualities such as love, compassion and forgiveness will benefit us no matter what is in store for us when we pass from this earth plane.
We believe that it is only by going to that sacred space within and raising our consciousness that we become enlightened, knowing the true answers to problems can be found. The core values of many religions focus on Love for everyone and everything, and we have found that sending out thoughts of Unconditional Love to all has brought about many healings and much inner peace in our lives.
We do not claim to be experts in the finer details, and this site must be regarded as a basic introduction for guidance to allow you to follow your spiritual path and reap the benefits of developing one’s intuition / gut feeling.
Can we say our life is more satisfying, that we are healthier, more abundant, more compassionate, more loving and tolerant? If we can, then surely what we are doing is for the good of all. Taking responsibility for our wellbeing is the first step towards becoming what we are meant to be. You can contact us here.
Drifting along leads to no particular destination. It’s good to flow with the tide but there has to be a result waiting to be attained.
It’s no good to plan and plan and never take action either. Write it down, tear it up and get on with it.
Keep your eyes open so that you don’t miss the help being given. Take it, be grateful, bless it and watch it multiply.
Don’t look back at mistakes, don’t dwell on failures, be in the present with all your lessons beside you, guiding you on to your goal.
With each step take time to give thanks, reconsider your goals and be prepared to make changes.
Feel the joy of being in control, the satisfaction of using your life the way you planned before you incarnated into this body.
Use your talents, know what you do well and use them to help others to achieve their goals.
The clock still ticks as you vegetate and procrastinate, your biological clock ticks as well and some day you may regret drifting into nothingness with nothing gained.
What will you take back to spirit with you? Will your life goal have been achieved or will you watch your life review with regret, knowing you could have achieved so much?