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What is Spiritual Truth?


Starting point:

Truth is very much subjective and we each have to consider what is true for ourselves. A starting point is to recognise there is a thread of truth running through the major religions and belief systems. This Ageless Wisdom has come down through the ages and these fundamental beliefs can help us identify what can be considered truth.

This is why it is helpful to delve into beliefs which may belong to religions other than what we have been brought up with. Christians, for example, will say that the Bible tells us God is truth, but there are others who will argue that God cannot be proved to exist.


If we believe that we are more than a visible physical being then it is necessary to acknowledge that there is more to be discovered about our true self.


Going within: Meditation

It is advisable to learn what beliefs others hold and also what beliefs have been thrust upon us by others. To discover what is true for us as an individual it is vital to have an open mind and a willingness to put these beliefs to the side and go within ourselves. This is where we can use meditation to raise our consciousness to a higher level. There are many approaches to meditation and we recommend that you try to find a method that is comfortable for you.


Take time to reflect on the day’s experiences, and it is helpful to keep a journal to record the events and your thoughts, feelings and emotions regarding them. It is also relaxing to spend time with Nature, whether in a park, in the hills / mountains or by the sea or lake. Reading Spiritual texts, use of mantras and suitable music help raise our consciousness to a higher level.


Spiritual Evolution:

What is right for us at one stage in life may change in later years. It is best to see everything as part of the learning process and be prepared to change. This is where an open mind is vital for Spiritual Growth. Our feelings connect us with our Soul. Too often we are so busy that we do not give ample time to consider our feelings, but we need to reverse this and make that connection with our true self in order to discover who we really are. This brings inner peace, healing, better relationships and a better sense of the Soul’s purpose. It is important to distinguish between feelings and emotions. Feelings define who we truly are, whilst emotions are our reactions to thoughts and events. Getting in touch with our feelings links us to our Soul.


Our Soul, or Higher Self, knows what is right for us, and, as the Bible tells us, “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). We are all at a different stage of Spiritual Evolution, and what is right for one person will not be right for another. This is why in Biblical times, and even earlier, teachings were kept secret and only given in stages at the appropriate time.


Consideration of the Spiritual Laws – how they apply to us and how we apply them in our lives – will help us with the Evolution of the Soul and we will make progress on our Spiritual Journey.


Testing for truth:

There are different ways to test what is "truth", such as our Gut Feeling, our Heart Feeling, asking our Soul / Higher Self. Please remember that connecting with the Higher Self needs practice and time must be devoted on a regular basis to encourage deep relaxation in order to ask the Soul what it requires. (You may find our Higher Self Affirmation helpful.)  It is helpful to take time to pray for wisdom and discernment to ensure that you are not following some rigid dogma: discernment assists you on your spiritual pathway. There are many false prophets operating and it is important to be discerning in your search for truth.

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