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Books, etc by Andrew and Helen for your Spiritual Journey


Living the Spiritual Laws for Health and Abundance   ISBN 978-0-9545446-5-2


Living the Spiritual Laws will change your approach to life, empowering you to take control and grow spiritually.


Living the Spiritual Laws gives a easy-to-follow introduction to 36 Spiritual Laws. Each of the two authors has provided a short explanation of each Law, thus giving a slightly different angle to the interpretation. You are encouraged to sit in the stillness and write your own interpretations.


Living the Spiritual Laws is also a self help guide to living the Laws on a day to day basis. “Questions to ponder” is a small section included to help you to identify where each Law fits in relation to everyday living.



Words of Wisdom for Everyday Living   ISBN 978-0-9545446-1-4


Words of Wisdom is intended to inspire and guide the reader to seek out answers at a Spiritual level when trying to solve a problem at a physical level has produced no satisfactory answer.


Words of Wisdom will help you to realise that dealing with life’s problems at a Spiritual level is the only way to let go of fear and change your approach to life, empowering you to take control and appreciate that what happens in life does so for a reason.


Words of Wisdom for Everyday Living comprises 50 mottoes, each followed by a few paragraphs of explanation provided by each of the authors from reflections in times of stillness. Readers are encouraged to go within themselves to consider how these mottoes can be applied to their everyday lives.


Whilst Words of Wisdom can be read through from beginning to end, the authors hope that it will also provide an inspiration in times of difficulty when problems can be helped with a spiritual answer by opening the book at random and giving consideration to the motto and its interpretation.



More Words of Wisdom for Everyday Living   ISBN 978-0-9545446-2-1


More Words of Wisdom will help you to change your approach to  life, empowering you to take control and grow spiritually.


More Words of Wisdom presents insights on a further 50 mottoes on aspects of everyday living which were received inspirationally. Each of the two authors has provided a short explanation of each Motto, thus giving a slightly different angle to the interpretation. You are encouraged to enter the quiet and write your own interpretations.


More Words of Wisdom is also a self help guide to taking a more stress free attitude towards life on a day to day basis. The insights will challenge your current attitudes and approaches to life and you will be encouraged  to identify where each Motto fits in relation to everyday living.


We also have packs of Handmade Cards to use in conjunction with the Books....

Living the Spiritual Laws

Words of Wisdom

More Words of Wisdom




A Spiritual Fantasy Trilogy



What happens when a seemingly happy family life is disrupted by an encounter with evil and corruption? The Cranstouns are a well respected family who quietly get on with their lives, trying to adopt simple spiritual practices. Their world is turned upside down when they are given an ultimatum that goes against all their principles. Attempting to avoid further trouble, their solution is not as simple as they imagine it will be, and disaster faces them at every turn.


This inspiring tale suggests that the physical world is a vehicle for a spiritual journey, a journey that passes through various places called despair, frustration, trust, forgiveness, and responsibility. Corrupt practices, disappearances in mysterious circumstances, and mystical voyages provide the backdrop for this spiritual fantasy of disloyalty, deceit, betrayal, retribution and transformation. It is set in the Middle Ages on a “parallel” Earth, and carries a message to encourage readers to consider their own spiritual approach to the issues and events in their daily life.



This volume follows the spiritual awakening of the characters, each developing at their own individual rate and in their own unique way. For them, like all who endeavour to progress spiritually, help is always available, although this comes in various unexpected ways.


The Spiritual Path is never without ups and downs which are tests that bring individuals to acknowledge their own unique identity and talents. There are characters who know their journey is leading them forwards spiritually, but for others who have drifted into crime and subsequent punishment the way forward is harsh, but just as it is for us all, there is a guiding light which cannot be ignored forever.


Fear is overcome by demonstrating forgiveness and compassion, and trusting there is a purpose in everything. This novel is interlaced with Spiritual Guidance, not just for the characters, but to encourage readers to consider their own Spiritual Pathway.



The Spiritual journey of the characters continues, each at their own pace and in their own unique way. As the story unfolds all are dealing with their own particular difficulties. For some, this is relatively easy, as they know help is always available to those who seek it at a Higher level. For others the way forward is filled with fear and traumas which have to be faced up to, bringing them to understand that sacrifices have to be made and old ways abandoned.


All involved have their own Spiritual qualities. Some find these easy to develop whilst others take longer to admit the only way forward is to take a Spiritual approach which not only benefits them, but others as well. The different approaches to Spiritual growth teach that all pathways will lead back to the Creator as set out in the Divine Plan, and that the same basic truths are contained in each pathway.


There is much for the reader to consider and learn from the different Spiritual lessons that the characters experience and how looking to the Spiritual Laws brings peace and fulfilment. It is gratifying to read that when those with different gifts are supportive of others and work together they establish harmony to the wider community.  

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Available as an eBook on Kindle. Browse and purchase here.


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Available as an eBook on Kindle. Browse and purchase here.

Available as eBooks on Kindle, and as Paperbacks on Amazon. Browse and purchase here.

Copyright © 2020 A & H Hain

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