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If you can't make it to where we are exhibiting, you can still make inner progress by booking a Spiritual Guidance Reading.

Living the Spiritual Laws for Positive Change  

A Home Study Workbook



This self-study course, a 50-page workbook delivered by e-mail, has been produced to combine content from our workshops and course which could not take place due to the pandemic and government guidelines.


This is still a very difficult time for many people and for many varying reasons. It is easy to focus on personal material issues often failing to provide any helpful guidance. It is easy to feel stuck with no way forward.


We hope the workbook we have produced will encourage participants to look within themselves for higher guidance that will lead to trust that we will be taken care of and to provide a personal action plan to take positive steps forward.


Answers are within each one of us, but we have to look to our higher self for them. By taking small steps we show the Universe our positive intentions and by doing so the Universe will work with us.


The course is for anyone desiring to take a Spiritual approach to everyday life situations and consider appropriate changes in order to progress on their personal Spiritual Journey to find better health, peace and fulfilment.


Unlike a Correspondence Course this Course is for Self Study and answers are not for submitting to be marked. This enables the student to be totally honest with answers that can remain confidential unless there is a desire to discuss these with another person.


Topics covered include... Who am I? : Why am I here? : Humility : Karma & Reincarnation :

Perpetual Transmutation of Energy : Responsibility :Thoughts : Journal Creation :

Affirmations : Changes & Stress : Spirituality : Spiritual Laws : Changing thoughts :

Steps to Positive Change : Action Plan Construction : Benefits.


We are offering this workbook at a special price of £20.

For details of how to purchase your copy please email us.

A sample extract from the workbook can be found here


Should you have any questions regarding the Workbook please email us.

Living the Spiritual Laws 

For Health and Abundance


A workshop which encourages you ...


  • To experience self healing. Others can only assist -- we each need to do the work for ourselves otherwise we cannot hope to gain a permanent benefit.

  • To discover abundance. Abundance is a state of mind, an attitude. We all have it, it's just that we don't realise it.

  • To understand how we can handles stress and everyday difficulties by applying the Spiritual Laws.

  • To devise a personal Action Plan to assist in incorporating the Laws into daily life.

Making Changes

A Spiritual Approach to Life


  • Be inspired to seek answers to life’s situations at a Spiritual level.

  • Implement new approaches to bring benefits such as less stress, better relationships, peace and healing for involved.

  • Take responsibility for a more satisfying life.

  • Find your purpose in life and release your Inner Self.


This is a workshop, not a lecture. It is about finding answers that resonate with your Inner Being. An open mind is required to consider new ideas but only take on board what is truth as you define it. There will be ample time for discussion and interaction with like minded people.

Free to attend: Spirituality Discussion Group


We have all incarnated to evolve spiritually. One of the greatest steps we can take is to share what we have learned with others. As we link with others and share wisdom and ideas we all evolve together. We are all One, being sparks of the Divine, and by offering selfless service everyone gains.


It is said that “Goodwill is Love in action” (, and there are many ways in which we can do this, too many to mention here. Being grateful for what we have learned, being willing to share, and at the same time learn from others is “Love in action.”


It is interesting that often it is by experiencing a difficult situation that we grow spiritually. However, this only occurs when we avoid being resentful, or asking “why me?” and instead look for lessons to learn.


We went through a very difficult situation more than twenty years ago and found that our difficulties changed for the better when we stopped taking a negative approach to those involved. We were guided to learning about the Spiritual / Universal Laws, and were grateful for what others shared regarding applying them to everyday life. We took a determined approach to send unconditional love and forgiveness to those involved, and eventually a solution which satisfied everyone involved was agreed.


The amount of information about applying the Spiritual Laws was limited, so we decided to use our experience to write a simple guide to putting the Spiritual Laws into practice in everyday life. We also introduced workshops, and later ran other workshops including “Finding your life purpose.”


We have learned so much from others that we believe that showing what we have learned, not just about the Spiritual Laws but also Theosophical topics, is our way of being of service. Whilst our articles are freely available on our website (and, we want to share ideas on a personal, face-to-face, basis as interaction with each other is so beneficial and there is an opportunity to ask questions.


We are therefore keen to start a small discussion group so we can share experiences and ask questions. This would be an informal group over a tea / coffee / soft drink in a central London location. There would no charge for attending (except for the cost of whatever drink you order). We are happy to give our time freely to share what we have gained whilst learning from others: all benefit by giving selfless service to others.


If this is something which you feel would be of benefit please email us to express your interest, stating whether weekday or weekend is preferable for you (please include your phone number). We would only allow four others to join us at any one time, and, if required, we are prepared to organise further groups.


We are happy to lead such a group, but participants need to be willing to share their experiences and wisdom in a confidential setting. “True service is that spontaneous outflow of a loving heart” (Alice Bailey, ‘Ponder on This’).


We look forward to hearing from you.


Andrew and Helen

Copyright © 2020 A & H Hain

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