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Spiritual Guidance Reading 28/03/2020


Question: What is the esoteric meaning of the corona virus outbreak?


We use our own “Living the Spiritual Laws for Health and Abundance” cards in conjunction with Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle cards.


We start by going into the quiet and send the Reiki energy to the cards and the question, then one of us selects the Spiritual Law cards and the other selects the Archangel Cards. We draw three from each deck. On this occasion a fourth card fell from the Archangel Pack.


The cards which came out of the packs were as follows:


   Spiritual Law Cards        Archangel Cards               Archangel

   Forgiveness                    Life Review                       Jeremiel

   Polarity                            You are Safe                     Michael

   Leadership                     Creative Writing                Gabriel

                                           You Know What To Do     Uriel


(a) The first card selected was Forgiveness which tells us to let go of any anger we have about this outbreak. There is little to be gained by apportioning blame. Let go and work on a solution using Unconditional Love as your guide. The Life Review Angel card is telling us that now would be a very good time to take stock of our life and change those things that are not working for us. With this outbreak we will see many changes so we are being encouraged to bring not just our own life, but all things, into balance and to heal the hurts and disappointments.


Polarity shows the full range of things we can experience and we will certainly be taken to extremes of feelings and emotions as well as physical matters whilst this outbreak rages. All aspects, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual are involved. However bad or dangerous things may seem, be assured that Archangel Michael will keep us safe against the negativities that try to gain an upper hand.


Creative Writing is urging us to write down our thoughts, to express our anxieties, frustrations and hopes, and then to share these in a public arena. When we share we each help others in their quest. By sharing we realise we are not alone and thus we are all in this together: Oneness. Extend the idea of sharing our writing to sharing all we have, such as resources and most of all, Love.


Leadership tells us that we are here to support each other and by our own example we show others. Because we all have Free Will we should not be surprised if others go their own way and reject our view. However, as the awareness grows, and our Leadership shines through, the consensus will gather into an action plan.


Archangel Uriel brings the message that we know what to do. We consult our Inner Self and listen for answers. Our Inner Being knows what is exactly right and by listening and sharing we will come through this period.


These cards indicate that we can all get through this crisis. There will be some sad instances, certainly, but if we look for the Spiritual solution we will raise vibrations across the world and that in turn will bring us back to the realisation that we are One. We need each other. We need to share and learn together. Without being authoritarian every one of us can set an example for our families, our friends, our community, our nation and the whole world. The outbreak is a wake up call that something has gone wrong and we need to rise above the material outlook. Material possessions are but nothing; Spiritual qualities are everything and are eternal.


(b) The Polarity card reminds us we have reached a low point in society never experienced before in recent times. Humanity has largely enjoyed a prosperous lifestyle taking our thoughts to material benefit leading to greed and lack of care for the less fortunate.


There is an urgent need to get back to equilibrium, an awareness of our unity and Oneness otherwise nothing will change. It’s when we reach a low point we have to realise the only way is to go upwards. The You are safe card reminds us of our Spiritual identity and that Spiritual help is there to lead us in a new direction. If we take time to go within we will “know what to do”. We are in a mess through relying on material knowledge and ignoring our true identity.


As society lets go of grudges and blaming others for problems, Forgiveness is a Spiritual quality which heals all situations. Each of us has a collective responsibility and can’t rely on others to take charge. We can all show Leadership and this is done by setting examples. It’s vital to take time to really understand what has failed us. Writing down our thoughts will assist. Reviewing all the elements of the current situation will inspire those of us who wish to be of service and will initiate change when we share our wisdom with others.


Social media, in spite of all its negative aspects, is a way of sharing our inspiration with others and doesn’t cost anything to do so. As we explain our views in writing for others to read they will begin to see how selfishness and greed have brought disaster. This virus is simply the Karma, which has been created over a long period, coming to teach us where we have gone astray. If we ignore the lessons it will return. If we can learn to share, be of service, show forgiveness and compassion, positive change can result from a dreadful situation.


Love is always the answer and thanks to the huge numbers who have freely offered to help others, the planet can be lifted Spiritually. Change has to come from within. We cannot change others but when we as individuals make positive changes there will be a knock on effect. By taking a Spiritual approach to our own personal difficulties and sharing the positive results with others through talking and writing, little by little this virus will have brought about a much needed positive outcome.


Copyright Andrew and Helen Hain 2020.

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